PERSONAL DETAILSNameFather NameSurnameGenderMaleFemalePrefer not to respondDate of BirthUAN NumberPAN NumberAadhaar NumberCurrent AddressPermanent AddressContact NumberCURRENT EMPLOYMENTName of the CompanyEmployee CodeDate of JoiningDate of LeavingDesignationReporting Manager NameReporting Manager 's Contact Number and Email IDSalary DetailsReason for LeavingHR NameHR's Email IDHR's Contact NumberPREVIOUS EMPLOYMENTName of the CompanyEmployee CodeDate of JoiningDate of LeavingDesignationReporting Manager NameReporting Manager 's Contact Number and Email IDSalary DetailsReason for LeavingHR NameHR's Email IDHR's Contact NumberSCANNED DOCUMENTS TO BE ATTACHEDPAN CARDChoose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileAADHAAR CARDChoose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileRELIEVING LETTER & SALARY SLIP - PREVIOUS EMPLOYERDrag and Drop (or) Choose FilesLETTER OF AUTHORITY / DECLARATION *I hereby authorize Naksh People Search Private Limited and / or its representatives to independently verify the information provided above and in my resume, and to conduct enquiries as Naksh People Search Private Limited deems fit. I also authorize Naksh People Search Private Limited to share this information with its representatives to verify its authenticity. In case Naksh People Search Private Limited finds any information on this form and / or in my resume false or misleading, or Naksh People Search Private Limited is informed by its representatives that the information contained herein and / or in my resume, is false or misleading, I accept Naksh People Search Private Limited’s decision to withdraw the employment offer made to me unconditionally.NameDateSubmit